Company name: SiteImprove
Product name: SiteAnalyze
The information on this page is supplied by the Associate Subscriber.
Siteimprove provides hosted web management tools to clients across Europe, the United States and Canada. NZ clients include close to half of all councils, multiple central government organisations, a growing number of universities and in the private sector companies such as BAE Systems, Bosch and Serco.
Customers benefit from using a single platform and having a dedicated account manager to cover their web management needs including web analytics, a bespoke search engine, quality assurance and accessibility testing of website content.
The company makes it a top priority to build a close relationship with each customer, to provide outstanding support and to continuously develop its products based on customer needs.
SiteAnalyze is easy to use even for customers new to web analytics. Customers receive added value by having access to highly knowledgeable support and advice from their account manager about how to interpret the traffic on their websites and what actions could be taken to improve the visitor experience.
SiteAnalyze gives the user a comprehensive real-time picture of visitor behaviour including:
- Details of every user journey and the ability to take the journey itself
- Behaviour tracking for individual pages
- Automatic report scheduling
- Page grouping
- Retrospective filtering
- Internal and external search engine statistics
SiteAnalyze continues to rapidly expand its customer base and attract extremely positive customer feedback.