WebTraffIQ - ABC


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Company name: Moore-Wilson New Media

Product name: WebTraffIQ

The information on this page is supplied by the Associate Member.


For the majority of organisations, the Internet has become an essential communications medium. Increasingly, more channels are integrating the tools provided by the medium into their method of collaboration. The volumes of data potentially available for analysis of not only the effectiveness of your strategy, but also the many preferences of your visitors increases exponentially, each and every time a potential customer, purchaser, supplier or even casual browser, engages with your organisation.

This continually growing mountain of data could if correctly analysed, provide your organisation with a highly effective means of measurement against your objectives and goal setting.

Getting tooled up to compete in today's Net economy is essential if you want to stay ahead. Integrating a clickstream technology into your online arsenal, is the only truly effective means of doing so.

WebtraffIQ is a web analytics agency, providing a complete campaign tracking platform. This enables our clients to see how various online and offline marketing techniques are working, in effect creating a rich picture of a web site's activities.

If you are serious about return on investment and profitability, choose WebtraffIQ as the organisation to support your online & offline strategy.