iJento Datamart
Company name: iJento
Product name: iJento Datamart
The information on this page is supplied by the Associate Member.
iJento helps data driven organisations integrate and analyse their customer information across multiple channels and devices.
iJento leverages existing web analytics and business intelligence investments and delivers a fast and ROI driven multichannel customer intelligence solution. Our technology and consulting services help organisations overcome key challenges such as campaign attribution and segmentation to make predictive marketing a reality. The result is continuously improved customer engagement, marketing performance and business growth.
iJento has three key offerings:
- iJento Datamart solutions – scalable, open, industry standard Microsoft® SQL Server based datamart solutions to store and integrate your online and offline customer data.
- iJento Datamart for online – for those organisations looking for a new web analytics solution utilising iJento Tags; or for those who want to leverage an existing web analytics solution eg. Adobe® SiteCatalyst®, powered by Omniture®, IBM Unica or Google Analytics.
- iJento Datamart for multichannel – a true open architecture platform that allows you to integrate different customer data sources to facilitate a single customer view.
- iJento Intelligence - A suite of applications which enable you to query, visualise, report and analyse your online and multichannel customer data. iJento empowers you to produce both standard and customised dashboards and reports and run various marketing led applications such as campaign attribution and segmentation.
- iJento Consulting is a team of the best talent and experience in data integration, web analytics, business intelligence, consulting and marketing.
For more information please visit: www.iJento.com