Case Study: Tribal Fusion - ABC


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Case Study: Tribal Fusion

Tribal Fusion Case Study


Tribal Fusion is a global online advertising provider that drives sales for the world’s top brands by helping them learn about, reach and engage their online audiences more effectively.

They combine their global publisher network, advanced online ad technology and integrated audience data on a single platform to deliver audience insights, targeting and creative solutions that transform the performance of online advertising campaigns.

Tribal Fusion was founded in 2001 and is part of the Exponential Group of online businesses - a technology enabled media services company headquartered in Emeryville, California with operations in 36 locations worldwide.


Brand safety, privacy and data security are big issues for Tribal Fusion's clients. The technology used in the online advertising industry has developed to become increasingly sophisticated. This can deliver Tribal Fusion’s clients with real time advertising solutions that are very effectively targeted.  However, as the market has developed, advertisers have become more concerned about the risk of ad misplacement on the Internet.  

The market had similar concerns about privacy with many advertisers reluctant to work with sites that didn't apply Online Behavioural Advertising Good Practice Principles. These dual concerns were eroding confidence in the marketplace and restricting growth in the sector.


Tribal Fusion signed up to two key industry agreed codes of practice and verified their adoption by an independent ABC audit. This approach was aimed at reassuring their clients and building market confidence in their processes.

IASH (Internet Advertising Sales House) was set up in 2005 by a group of ad network owners who recognised the need to minimise the risk that display ads placed via their networks did not appear on websites which could jeopardise advertisers’ brands. Brand safety is the key objective of the IASH Code of Conduct. Tribal Fusion submits its’ processes to a rigorous 6 monthly IASH audit by ABC, which checks that key principles within the IASH Code of Conduct have been applied.  

Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA) Good Practice Principles are maintained by the IAB NZ. The principles are based upon offering users notice about data collection and use, choice as to whether to participate and education about behavioural advertising and its benefits. An independent ABC audit verifies that Tribal Fusion meets the key elements of these principles.


The ABC stamp of trust gives Tribal Fusion and its clients the independent reassurance they need. It shows that the business is meeting brand safety, privacy and data security good practice. This has proved to be good business for Tribal Fusion because it is something advertisers and agencies value. Submitting to a regular ABC audit programme gives clients confidence that best practice is maintained on an on-going basis.

Effective self regulation, underpinned by an independent ABC audit, has had a huge impact on building confidence in the online advertising sector.

I have no doubt that independent accreditation by ABC has enhanced our credentials in the marketplace and supports our assertions of being a leading digital advertising provider. It was great working with ABC on the IASH and OBA audit. They provided clear guidelines on the process from the start. The ABC audit team were prompt in answering queries and provided excellent support throughout the audit process.

George Odysseos, EU Director of Publisher Services, Tribal Fusion

Tribal Fusion has played a leading role in establishing the benchmark for best practice and this is raising standards within the sector as a whole. I am delighted that Tribal Fusion has earned the ABC stamp of trust which is helping them win the confidence of advertisers and grow their business.

Jerry Wright, Chief Executive, ABC

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